The catalytic nanoparticle sub-group synthesizes metal-oxide nanoparticles (with the Poeppelmeier Group) to be used as substrates for ALD deposited metal and metal-oxide catalysts (both in-group and with Jeff Elam, at Argonne). Previous work has included SrTiO3 nanocubes, which have been used as catalyst and imaging substrates, in collaboration with the Marks TEM lab (Materials Science). The synthesized particles are used in catalytic studies of selective oxidation (Institute for Catalysis in Energy Processes – ICEP) and biomass conversion (Institute for Atom-Efficient Chemical Transformations – IACT).
Figure 1:
Platinum nanoparticles synthesized by atomic layer deposition, in collaboration with James Enterkin and Jeff Elam (Argonne)
Figure 2: 35 nm (Ba,Sr)TiO3 nanocubes synthesized by microwave hydrothermal synthesis
Grant: IACT