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Prof. Li-Dong Zhao

School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Beihang University, 421 room, IRC building
No. 37, Xueyuan Road, Haidian Distrct,
Beijing 100191, China
E-Mail: zhaolidong@buaa.edu.cn

B.S., M.S. Materials Science
Liaoning Technical University, China

Ph. D., Materials Science
University of Science
and Technology Beijing, China

Post Doc., Universite Paris-Sud XI,


I worked on the synthesis and the properties of PbS based- and Mg2X (X=Si, Sn and Pb) thermoelectric materials.

I studied the synthesis and the properties of Bi2Te3 thermoelectric materials by MA and SPS (Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering) during my PhD. I studied the superconductive and thermoelectric properties for layered structural materials during my Postdoc in France..