
Contaminant Data

Radioactive Contaminants

Safe Limit*
Lead-210 1.0 0.047*
Radium-226 0.3 5
Radium-228 0 5
Thorium-228 0.6 0.21*
Thorium-230 0.2 1.3*
Thorium-232 0.2 1.5*
Uranium-234 17.6 20
Uranium-235 1.5 20
Uranium-238 8.1 20
Alpha particles 15.5 15
Beta paricles 13.6


all numbers are in picocuries per Liter


Click on the name of the contaminant for more information about possible health risks associated with that contaminant

No significant health risk

possible health risk

high health risk


Metal Contaminants

Safe Limit*
Aluminum 44.0 1000
Arsenic 0 50
Barium 80.2 1000
Cadmium 0.2 5
Chromium 0 100
Iron 0 300
Lead 0 15
Mercury 0.019 2
Selenium 0 50
Thallium 0 2

all numbers are in micrograms per Liter























* The Safe Limit values for Lead-210, Thorium-228, Thorium-230, and Thorium-232 are based on the Preliminary Remediation Goals(PRG) for cleaning up contaminated sites. All other Safe Limit values are based on Maximum Contaminant Levels(MCL). Both values are determined by the USEPA.